My Sketchbook theme is "The Grey Side of Life"
My approach to the sketchbook was to let go of boundaries in terms of mediums and to explore combining them in different ways that I had not attempted before - but only using greys. I thought this would be a good exercise in slowing exploring mixed media without throwing in the complexity of color. I'm afraid that I didn't step out of my box as much as I would have liked, but it is a start. I am pleased w/ some of the charcoal and ink work and may incorporate more of that into my illustrations. I found that combining pencil and ink did not work well for me, as well as some of the ink washes, collage and the combination of acrylic and ink. I'm not willing to give up on these completely, but I may have to really rethink my approach of them.
The idea behind the story is a combination of things that have happened in my life and things I have dreamed, and this is the place where to two have met. It is a journey from birth to death and everything in between. It is the place between truth and dreams - the grey side of our mind where you can not tell the difference.
Here are a few pieces, but you should really check out this exhibit if you can. So many great artists have participated and it's a wonderfully fun project to be involved in.
We will be attending the exhibition here in Los Angeles at the end of the month. Pictures to follow.
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